H-ermes. Journal of Communication

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e-ISSN: 2284-0753

H-ermes in WoS Core Collection (ESCI)
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Human communication has always been considered an almost obvious activity, as a natural phenomenon, to pass over without any particular attention.
A systematic study on communication has started only in the last century, in coincidence with the advent of media and technologies able to speak to the multitudes. Even more recently, communication became a field of academic study. In Italy it occurred later than elsewhere. We believe that communication is a field to explore with all the tools and from all the points of view. We want to provide our scientific communities with careful and critical considerations, because now more than ever the idea that "it is impossible not to communicate" has established itself. Limitless are the ways to influence the facts of the world through communication, and these biases are quickly growing everywhere.
We seek an increasingly more international scientific debate: this is not because this indication comes from a bureaucratic power, but for the great facts of the world are deeply influenced by a global bind.
We want to give a contribution presenting our issues as a lexicon of objects to investigate, starting from the roots of our name, which recalls the Olympic gods' messenger. Our H-ermes got one dash after the H: this means an emphasis on a letter whose function is to connect Communication to Humanities, a strategic meeting point among those disciplines commenting the social individual. It is a dash that carries also the "hermai", the god of communication's first icons, the piles of little stones left on the edge of new paths. Today available to all new media-wanderers.



H-ermes n. 26 (2024). Call for papers (deadline abstracts 1st March 2024)

Il prossimo numero di H-ermes sarà dedicato a "Re-Understanding Media: 60 anni dopo", e sarà a cura di Stefano Cristante e di Andrea Lombardinilo.

The next issue of "H-ermes. Journal of Communication" asks authors to reason about "Re-Understanding Media: 60 years after". The issue will be edited by Stefano Cristante and Andrea Lombardinilo.
Posted: 2023-12-14 More...
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N. 25 (2023) - Forme estetiche e società digitale

H-ermes - Covere-ISSN: 2284-0753

Frontespizio Details     PDF

Indice Details     PDF

Forme estetiche e società digitale Details     PDF

Celebrating authentic bodies: Instagram (self)representations of models Details     PDF
Fabiana Battisti, Lorenzo Dalvit 7-22

Reaction video. Nuove forme estetiche, tra identificazione e consumo delle emozioni = Reaction videos. New aesthetic forms between identification and consumption of emotions Details     PDF
Francesco Nespoli, Simone Mulargia 23-42

Forme estetiche della VR teatrale. La mappa del cuore di Lea Melandri in VR di Ateliersi fra liveness e pratica spettatoriale = Aesthetic forms of theatrical VR. Ateliersi's La mappa del cuore di Lea Melandri in VR between liveness and spectatorial practice Details     PDF
Laura Gemini, Stefano Brilli, Chiara Spaggiari 43-62

Il cinema dei dati. Strategie cinematografiche per rappresentare la società contemporanea = The data cinema. Cinematographic strategies to represent contemporary society Details     PDF
Davide Bennato 63-84

La cultura di massa nell'era digitale = Mass culture in the digital era Details     PDF
Vanni Codeluppi 85-98

Immaginari in trasformazione tra memorie, narrazioni e piattaforme = Transforming imaginaries between memories, narratives and platforms Details     PDF
Silvia Leonzi, Lorenzo Ugolini 99-114

Le forme est/etiche di Alberto Abruzzese = Alberto Abruzzese's est/ethical forms Details     PDF
Gian Piero Jacobelli 115-130

Percorsi di Ricerca Details     PDF

Linguaggi visuali per la comunicazione pubblica digitale. Prospettive oltre l'emergenza = Visual languages for digital public communication. Perspectives beyond the emergency Details     PDF
Laura Solito, Letizia Materassi 133-152

La ricostruzione della prossimità. Territorio, rete e spazialità del giornalismo locale = The rebuilding of proximity. Land, web, and spatiality of local journalism Details     PDF
Sabino Di Chio 153-166

Ontological insecurity and cognitive threats: emerging security challenges in the Information Age Details     PDF
Arcangelo Leone De Castris 167-184

A feminist perspective on urban politics and social space in the neo-liberal city. Theoretical outlooks and social practices in the Italian context Details     PDF
Maria Cristina Antonucci, Ilaria Di Tullio, Teresa Pullano 185-206

Colophon Details     PDF

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